High Holidays 2024
High Holiday Services 2024
Click below to see the full 2024 schedule for Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
High Holiday tickets are free for members and $300 for non-members. Click below to register:
Elul Learning Program
Join us at JewishROC for a special month of learning in preparation for the High Holidays. Click below to see the full schedule.
This is the time of year when we reflect on the importance of sustaining our synagogues with a donation to the Kol Nidre Appeal. Donations given to the Kol Nidre appeal go directly toward the costs of providing services, meals and programming throughout Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Charity given for the Yizkor service is made with the intention to elevate the souls of our loved ones who have passed. If you purchased a plaque on our Yartzeit wall your names will automatically be entered in the annual Yizkor book. To include the names of loved ones not on our Yartzeit wall, click here. The cost is $54 for up to 5 names. Once your donation is received, the office will contact you for details.
our general High Holiday donation will be used to sponsor a holiday meal for community members who are experiencing financial hardship.
Kaparot is a customary atonement ritual practiced on the eve of Yom Kippur. We make a donation for Kaparot in lieu of the traditional chicken slaughtering ceremony.
Purchase your premium Lulav and Etrog with an accompanying carrying case. $100/set.
*Deadline to order is September 22!
Make your Donations
High Holiday Meals:
Join us for holiday meals at JewishROC!
The cost is $36/person per meal, Gold Members are free.
Registration is required. Here is a list of all available meals:
Rosh Hashana - Oct. 2 Yom Tov Dinner with Mini Seder
Rosh Hashana - Oct. 3 Kiddush/Lunch
Rosh Hashana - Oct. 3 Yom Tov Dinner with Mini Seder
Rosh Hashana - Oct. 4 Kiddush/Lunch
Erev Shabbat - Oct. 4 Shabbat Dinner
Shabbat Shuva - Oct. 5 Kiddush/Lunch
Shabbat Shuva - Oct. 5 Third Meal
Yom Kippur - Oct. 12 Community Break Fast