Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah 2024
Click below to view the Sukkot,
Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah Schedule:
Make your Donations
Deluxe Lulav & Etrog supervised and inspected by Rabbi Benamou!
Cost: $100/set
*Deadline to order is September 22!
Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, Simchat Torah Meals:
Join us for holiday meals at JewishROC! The cost is $36/person per meal, Gold Members are free. Registration is required. Here is a list of all available meals:
Sukkot Dinner, Oct. 16
Sukkot Kiddush/Lunch, Oct. 17
Sukkot Dinner, Oct. 17
Sukkot Kiddush/Lunch, Oct. 18
Sukkot Shabbat Dinner, Oct. 18
Sukkot Shabbat Kiddush/Lunch, Oct. 19
BBQ in the Sukkah Dinner, Oct 20
Pizza in the Sukkah, Oct. 22
Yom Tov Dinner, Oct. 23
Yom Tov Kiddush/Lunch, Oct. 24
Yom Tov Dinner, Oct. 24
Yom Tov Kiddush/Lunch, Oct. 25
Shabbat Dinner, Oct. 25
Shabbat Kiddush/Lunch, Oct. 26