Pesach/Passover 2025 Classes
March 16 - April 5, 2025
All classes are Free!
7:45 p.m. - 9:15 p.m.
(Onsite or via Zoom) -
Learn the observances of Pesach and story of leaving Egypt. All you need to know about the Mitzvot of Pesach and the month of Nissan.
Class taught by:
Rabbi Yaacov Benamaou
Nuts & Bolts of Pesach
7:45 p.m. - 9:15 p.m
(Onsite or via Zoom) -
Everything you need to know about the Why’s and How’s of preparing for the Passover Seder. Dive deep into this immersive class series.
Class taught by:
Rabbi Yaacov Benamou
The Seder From Start to Finish
9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
(Onsite or via Zoom) -
9:00 a.m. Ohr HaChaim
10:00 a.m. Ramban
Dive into weekly Torah wisdom through the insight of Classical Kabbalah commentary of the Ohr HaChaim from the 17th Century and Nachmanides (Ramban) from the 12th Century.
Class taught by:
Rabbi Yaacov Benamou
Ohr Hachaim
& Ramban
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
(Onsite or via Zoom) -
From Kashrut to cleaning and everything in between leading up to the Pesach Seder, including Laws and Minhagim (Traditions).
Class taught by:
Rabbi Yaacov Benamou
Pesach A-Z
Mon, Tues, Wed, & Thurs
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
(Onsite or via Zoom) -
Coffee for the mind: A daily shot of morning inspiration through Talmud Yevamot, The Book of Tehillim, Mishnah Berurah, and Halacha-Jewish Law: The Laws of Blessings.
Class taught by:
Rabbi Yaacov Benamou
Daily Morning Class
Mondays & Wednesdays
7:45 - 9:15 p.m.
(Onsite or via Zoom) -
Ever wonder why we talk about Lavan, drink wine yet eat matzah, and sing the entire hallel ? In this 6-part series, we will break down the seder from beginning to end and explore the meaning and depth behind the text of the Pesach Hagaddah.
Class taught by:
Rabbi Yudi Benamou
The Pesach Seder: Beyond the Songs
7:45 p.m. - 9:15 p.m.
(Onsite or via Zoom) -
Dive into the weekly Torah portion for the upcoming Shabbat through the classical commentators like Rashi, Ibn Ezra, OhrHaChaim, Nachmanides, and Sforno, etc.
Class taught by:
Rabbi Yaacov Benamou
Weekly Parasha Part I
2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
In Person Only -
Enrich your Shabbat with an open discussion and dive into the weekly Torah portion for the upcoming Shabbat through classical commentators like Rashi, Ibn Ezra, Ohr HaChaim, Nachmanides, and Sforno, etc.
Class taught by:
Rabbi Yaacov Benamou
Weekly Parasha Part II & The Laws of Pesach
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