To Make a Donation via Credit Card:
Click on the donate button below. YOU MUST INDICATE THE PURPOSE OF YOUR DONATION (Shabbat Sponsorship, Membership, End of Year Campaign, etc.) Thank you for your continued support!
*If you have any questions about using PayPal or would like to speak with someone at our office, please contact us or call (301)468-3881.
Frequent Donations:
Sponsor a Shabbat Kiddush ($180)
Comes with 2 free meals
Sponsor a Shabbat Dinner ($250)
Comes with 2 free meals
Sponsor a Month of Learning ($500)
Purchase a Yartzeit Plaque ($360)
Yartzeit Donation ($54)
*To make your donation in memory / honor of someone, please send instructions to office@JewishROC.org.
To Make a Donation via Zelle:
Please send your donation via Zelle to: office@jewishroc.org
To Make a Donation via check:
JewishROC is 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. To make a tax deductible contribution,
please send a check or money order to:
11304 Old Georgetown Rd.
Rockville, MD 20852